Date Difference Calculator
Calculate the exact time span between any two dates
Our precise date calculator helps you determine the duration between dates in days, weeks, months, or years. Perfect for project timelines, age calculations, contract durations, and event planning. Get accurate results for any date-based calculations you need.
Keyboard shortcuts:
- •Ctrl+EnterCalculate difference
- •EscClear dates
- •TabNavigate between fields
How to Use This Tool
Calculating Date Differences
- 1
Enter the start date using the date picker
- 2
Enter the end date using the date picker
- 3
Choose your preferred unit of measurement
- 4
Click Calculate or press Ctrl+Enter
Understanding Results
- 1
Days show exact number of days between dates
- 2
Weeks round to the nearest week
- 3
Months account for varying month lengths
- 4
Years show complete years between dates